Here we go again.
January 22, 2007

We Have These Fossil Fuels

So I’ve figured out how to reduce America’s dependency on foreign oil: Instead of dispensing gasoline in convenient pumps, hand that shit out in five-gallon cans and make people carry them a quarter mile to where they parked and pour that crap with a donkey dick and a drip pan in the pouring rain into a hole that’s four feet off the ground. That stuff gets heavy fast, yo, and I wager people would drive a lot less if they had to do this all the time.

In related news, I know someone who is contemplating an eco-friendly bio-diesel automobile. I suspect she will find ownership of such discouraging for similar-type reasons, plus the additional factor that if she spills any in the process of refueling, her Asics are going to smell like Chinese food all week.

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